Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This is Lacey's yearly project, making food. Well, this may sound simple and purposeless but she does it, i think, virtually to let you try cuisines from different countries and make her AP calc students preoccupied by any means. This year, she planned to make Russian, Chinese and Korean food. How motley. Andrey's absence seemed like a mote of problem since I thought no one would know how to make Russian food, but Lacey already knew the recipes and such.

Anyways, the premise behind her plan is the hard work of her students, for Lacey can't prepare for all that food. After all, those victimized or those who volunteered worked really hard for her. Although all I did was photographing, I had to miss Drama Tech outing to Dunkin Donuts in order to help Lacey, which certainly compensates her for my insincerity.

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